Collinsville Poll Ram purchase
The poll ram we purchased at Collinsville for $88,000 Imp 200033 will have first
The poll ram we purchased at Collinsville for $88,000 Imp 200033 will have first
Photo: Harry Chalker holding Grand Champion Strong Wool Ram Chris Chalker holding Reserve Champion
First 2-4 Tooth Production Class 16.5 kgs wool $186.00
Top selling On Property Sale Ram 2022 was bought by Ian and Camilla Shippen
LachRiver displayed their best in the Stonehaven Cup for 2022 and deemed it a
This Merino ram sold for a top price of $12,000 at the 2020 LachRiver
Click here to download Lach River's latest advert.
2020 arrived and April brought rain, it appeared as though the drought was finally
Everyone was waiting for 2019 to end, with drought lingering on and bush fires
Due to Covid-19, nearly all shows have been cancelled this year. Canberra CSSM went