Winners of the Stonehaven Cup Sydney Royal 2022
LachRiver displayed their best in the Stonehaven Cup for 2022 and deemed it a huge success. We can't wait to tell you all about it.
2020 Top Price Ram
This Merino ram sold for a top price of $12,000 at the 2020 LachRiver On Property Ram Sale - to Cottage Park in Cooma.
Click here to download Lach River's latest advert.
2020 arrived and April brought rain, it appeared as though the drought was finally breaking, everyone was excited. The wool market was still strong, the lamb market was looking at $10/kg, and the mutton market was at an all time high. Then Covid-19 arrived and things changed overnight. Amazingly,
Everyone was waiting for 2019 to end, with drought lingering on and bush fires burning (what a show). We purchased 1700 acres of flood irrigation at Condobolin in on the Lachlan River to grow our own fodder for stock. After shearing in March 2020 we sent 5,000 ewes away
Show Results
Due to Covid-19, nearly all shows have been cancelled this year. Canberra CSSM went ahead before Covid hit, and we were extremely successful winning Grand Champion August Shorn Ewe and Grand Champion Medium Ram. This ewe has since been flushed with four eggs collected and naturally joined with Gladiator.